confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Ok I finally have a plan and I am using it as I type.

Being that I am super stoked to start the New Year, I figured I would share a sneak peek of what is to come this year from the backwoods crafter.

I will give you a sum up of what I will be doing and the list of the schedule. Everyday has a theme. And this year I am a week ahead in my posts and that is a major plus for me. This is what the weekly schedule will look like.

Monday – Make is Monday

Tuesday – Time to take time for you Tuesday

Wednesday – Wing it Wednesday

Thursday – Think it up Thursday

Friday – Finally fun Friday

Saturday –  Square it Saturday

Sunday – Share it Sunday

This is what the main post of the day will be about. But I will also throw in some other goodies and patterns I am working on. I cannot wait till the New Year!

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New Year, New Plans?

My biggest New Year goal is to be more active. And when you are a homeschooling mom that is not as easy as one would think. Between grading papers and giving tests by 3pm we are all beat. But I want to share with the world all my crafty goodness and hope I can start more people to crochet and craft. So for the next few days I will try to be giving everything a makeover so I can work it more into my routine.

I want to show to the world that you do not have to have a ton of money to really be able to enjoy any craft. But mainly yarn crafts. So I will be off for the rest of the week and I will Start next Monday with an entire new plan to share with you all.

Happy New Year Everyone. May this year bring you good health, creativity and yarn in every color!

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