confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Take Time for you Tuesday!

on January 6, 2015

This is anything may be one of the most important post I will make all week. There are some many people in this world that give and give and forget to take time for themselves. And to have a happy and healthy life we need to take time for ourselves.

Now for me that is After the kids go to bed, and my husband is at work. The house is quiet, all is calm and I can let my hair down and relax. Most nights I just crochet a simple project till i drift off into dream land. but before I settle in for the night. I brew a cup of something hot. Most times it is a cup of hot cocoa or tea. and just sit back and zone out while I drink my cup of hot yumminess.

So what I want you to try for this day and the new year is take time for you. Time even just 20 minutes read a book, write a poem, take a hot bath. Enjoy being in your skin. You are beautiful, let your beauty shine! So that is your task for today take time for you!


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