confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Ok I am pretty much giving up on the squares and here is why…

This year I made a promise to myself that I will finish every project I start. But the granny squares are just not in my cards this year. Maybe net year but this year nope not gunna happen here. And I love to use my Saturdays for starting new projects. That is about how long it takes me to finish a blnaket.  So this is now Blanket start Saturday. I will post the finished project of last week and then I will share what the new project is for the week for me.

So this week I am just about to finish the C2C and I will post pics tomorrow and today I am starting the pattern fromm called dusty snowflake. There is a video for right and left handed uploaded by the Crochet Crowd. And on the video MIkey will walk you threw the entire pattern. I will post a link below for the written pattern and the video.

I hope all is well with you and have a wonderfully crafty weekend!

Link for written Pattern

Click Here

Video Tutorial

Click Here



Sunday is here and it is Share it sunday!

So this week has been a super craft week in my house. I finished my drop in the pond blanket and sent it to its forever home. I have gotten 3 Christmas cards made and 2 birthday cards. While it has been snowing here I have been curled up with my C2C blanket and making headway with that. So what have you been up to on this cold snowy weekend?WP_20150222_11_54_17_Pro WP_20150220_17_33_44_Pro WP_20150219_18_53_37_Pro WP_20150220_14_08_39_Pro WP_20150222_11_54_27_Pro WP_20150218_21_02_35_Pro WP_20150222_11_47_20_Pro

So come on over to my facebook page like my page and share what you have been working on. The link will be below

Click Here

And as always happy crafting and creating!


It is Square it Saturday BUT…

It is Square it Saturday but I have a bit of an issue. All my yarn is already spoken for and I cannot use it for other projects. So I was thinking well lets get my other craft I love so much here. So today I will be doing a paper craft tutorial. Not sure of what just yet. Need to wait on the hubbs to wake up so I can go craft and not worry if the kids will take over my house. It may be a picture tutorial or it may be a video tutorial. I do not know yet. You will have to come back and check later on to see what I come up with.

Oh and I have not given up on crochet. I cannot do that. I live for yarn. Right now I am working on a C2C in 2 shades of purple and black. This is a just for me project something to do to keep me off of pintrest and what not. I will have a link to the video I used to start and help with the C2C. (It is from Mikey. Oh and if you want come over to my Facebook page if you are doing the CAL is the Crochet Crowd and show off your squares so far.) Have a crafty weekend and stay warm and safe!

Here is the link for the Corner to Corner C2C

Click Here


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This can tie into Take time for you Tuesday.

So I think it is safe to say that I love to crochet. And one of my favorite youtube channels is The Crochet Crowd with Mikey. And last month the announced a mystery CAL (Crochet Along) So I went out I got all the yarn I will need for the project got a new set of comfort grip hooks. And I went to town on last week’s clue. I found it a funny clue.Granny squares. I just laughed because I have been working on a granny ripple and before that I did a giant solid granny. And now I am working on the drop in the pond and that too is Granny stitch. It is granny world here lol.

But to tie it to Take time for you, I get the kids all set up the night before for school so they can just go without me. I put on a movie and just go to town on the clue. (I should also add that they post the clues on Tuesday mornings.) I sit with my coffee my hook my clues and just go have a good time. That is my time. Yes the kids may pop up for help but that is fine. I homeschool so it happens. But I make sure that I take that time where I can do something fun and for me.

So just remember take some time for you. You matter too!

Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a great week and Happy Crochet

Oh and the links for the CAL with the Crochet Crowd.

Video Link

Click Here

And the written pattern

Click Here



Taking the day off and just hanging around.

So today is Presidents day here and we are just chillin hanging out with each other. And I am working on my drop in the pond afghan. It is cold and snowy so today is the perfect day for crochet and movies. And that is just what I am doing. If you like the pattern and would like to have a go at it I will share the link to find the pattern. It is another pattern from Beth Ham. I love her patterns.

Click the link below to download Drop in the Pond pattern

Click Here


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Crafting has been taking a back seat.

So about a week or so ago we got a 3d printer and my husband and I have been creating and designing things to print. So far we have printed a dragon for my desk a keychain for fun. Yarn bobbins, stitch markers, and quadcopter bodies. He loves to fly. We have a ton of other ideas and what not. But for now we will be selling the bobbins and stitch markers. Please feel free to contact me VIA facebook at Soucy Creations, email, or leave a comment if you are interested in anything.WP_20150215_11_51_48_Pro

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Still waiting on a few last minute shippments…

So most of the stuff I have been waiting for has come in. Just about all my paper crafting has come. Now just waiting on the yarn. And i will be back up and running. So while I have been stuck waiting for things to come in, I have been finishing my granny ripple. And today it is now done. So I just wanted to share the finished product before Sunday because well I cannot wait that long. The first crochet project of the year is finished. YEAYYYY.


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Yeay New Laptop is UP AND RUNNING

Great news the new laptop is here and it is up and running so now I can get back to my blog. But I still need to wait for the craft supplies to get her Friday. Then I can start posting tutorials again. I have missed that. And I got a new phone with a better camera so I can now make videos. I cannot wait to get my craft area set up and get this party started!

this is not my art work.

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I am still alive and kickin

We made it through midterms. My son is just about to hit his finals, and we are doing extra testing for him because will it is only Feb. and he got through the entire course load. So we are seeing if he needs to go onto the 3rd grade early. 

My daughter is just pluggin away with her 5th grade work and I am one proud mom there too.

Crafting life not so much. I have been shopping now for I think 3 weeks and still have no idea how I am going to handle stocking up for the year. 

Hope all is well with you and your’s. Stay crafty!

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