confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

And this year I am playing with a new toy!

on February 2, 2017

So a couple of years ago my husband got a 3d printer and he got me hooked. I loved what it could do. Take plastic sting like material and turn it into just about anything. So THis year I will be getting one. And I am going to document my journey there too. That should be fun. Because I am doing this totally on my own. ALl self taught. So we may get some good laughs along the way.

But while I am waiting for my printer to get here, I am making tutorials on how to use tinkercad. That is the website I use to design things for 3d printing. Here is my intro video.

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