confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

So I did this thing…

Like I said in my last post I have been wanting to get my youtube channel up and running. Well guess what? It’s running. There will be a little bit of everything in this channel. Everything from 3d printing to crochet to knit, to loom knitting, to card making, my new life with dentures at the age of 31. That has been one hell of a road already. Me and the kids and the fur kid and maybe even the husband out on adventures. So this is going to be my welcome to my channel Video. I will always post my videos here. So you can have a way to not have to search youtube. But come here. So here is what my channel is all about.


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Sunday is here and it is Share it sunday!

So this week has been a super craft week in my house. I finished my drop in the pond blanket and sent it to its forever home. I have gotten 3 Christmas cards made and 2 birthday cards. While it has been snowing here I have been curled up with my C2C blanket and making headway with that. So what have you been up to on this cold snowy weekend?WP_20150222_11_54_17_Pro WP_20150220_17_33_44_Pro WP_20150219_18_53_37_Pro WP_20150220_14_08_39_Pro WP_20150222_11_54_27_Pro WP_20150218_21_02_35_Pro WP_20150222_11_47_20_Pro

So come on over to my facebook page like my page and share what you have been working on. The link will be below

Click Here

And as always happy crafting and creating!