confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Chaos of Life has taken over my crafting time.

Hey everyone. I am still kickin in the high desert. Enjoying the sun while it is around. But my craft table has a good layer of dust on it. Being that my entire family including me wants to be a self sustaining family. IE food, power, work, So we have been working to get that started. Between getting our turkeys and chickens to grooming the horses to riding lessons. To just being together. And now it is planting time. CAN YOU SAY YUMMMM!!!! Nothing like growing veggies. I love doing this. And this year I will be learning about canning. I cannot wait till harvest time! But we still have school to attend to. Minds to enrich with as much knowledge I can shove in their sponge like brains. So while they are schooling I have a bit a free time not much. So I will try my hardest to stay vigilant to making posts and patterns. I do miss making goodies and I still have plans to make videos just need to find the time in the day. I am starting to think 24 hours is just not enough time to get things done. I hope this finds you and yours well. Time for me to take a minute to create something fun! HMMMM maybe even a new pattern I create. keep your eyes peeled for something fun to share!

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So yesterday was insane so I am doing Sunday over lol. So SHARE SHARE SHARE

Ok so yesterday was crazy here. people had to be here and there. Projects needed to be finished. Ya kow life in general so I did not get to post yesterday. Well I finally finished my Corner to Corner blanket last night. And I was a very happy duck. It was nice and warm. So what are you working on?


The pattern I used for this can be found over at The Crochet Crowd’s youtube page just search corner to corner afghan and you will find Mikey’s video. Thankys agaon to the crochet crowd for the tutorial. This was a fast easy project.

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Taking the day off and just hanging around.

So today is Presidents day here and we are just chillin hanging out with each other. And I am working on my drop in the pond afghan. It is cold and snowy so today is the perfect day for crochet and movies. And that is just what I am doing. If you like the pattern and would like to have a go at it I will share the link to find the pattern. It is another pattern from Beth Ham. I love her patterns.

Click the link below to download Drop in the Pond pattern

Click Here


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Note about Make it Monday and Tuesday…

Here at my house we have been doing mid year testing for school. So my attention is needed in other places than my blog. So for today and tomorrow I will not be posting the regular scheduled blog post and I will pick back up On Wednesday. Got to make sure the kiddos are on track and up to date with their schooling. So I will be MIA untill Wednesday of this week. I hope you have a great week. See you Wednesday!


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Make It Monday Jan. 5

So today is Monday, it is back to school for my kiddos. (Well as back to school as they are going to get being that my kids school at home.) But that also means back to teaching for me and back to the grind from a 2 week break holiday of no school and lots of family time.

I had originally thought that make it Monday would be something I find online make one myself and share the outcome. But I got to thinking I do not really want to do that. The main reason why I started a blog was because I was to tell the world just what is on my mind. and share my creativity with as many people as I could.

Then I got to thinking… How could I turn this into a make it Monday? How about today is Make it about you today? Yea, I like the way it sounds. Many people are going back to normal life today after the holidays just like we are in my house. But what a lot of us moms do is forget to make something just for us. Weather it be a great cup of coffee and taking the time to just sit back and and enjoy the coffee before the cogs in the machine of life start to turn for the day. Or if it is a crochet project that is just for you. Do something or make something just for you. Make it you today!images (1)

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