confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood


Morning every! hope today finds you well. Well I need you help with my next video. I need to know what kind of craft videos you want to see. I can knit and crochet. I can do some beading, I can loom, I can papercraft. So Watch my video and tell me what you want to see in the comments


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So I did this thing…

Like I said in my last post I have been wanting to get my youtube channel up and running. Well guess what? It’s running. There will be a little bit of everything in this channel. Everything from 3d printing to crochet to knit, to loom knitting, to card making, my new life with dentures at the age of 31. That has been one hell of a road already. Me and the kids and the fur kid and maybe even the husband out on adventures. So this is going to be my welcome to my channel Video. I will always post my videos here. So you can have a way to not have to search youtube. But come here. So here is what my channel is all about.


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It has been many moons since I have been on here. I have been super busy. Things are starting to change again in my neck of the sandbox. I have lots of changes coming to me and my family.

Me lets see I finally am getting my teeth taken care of. Sick of the pain I was in because of bad teeth. in 14 more days I will get my new set. I am super excited about that.

I finally said it’s time to get in front of the camera and I am finally making videos like I have promised for years.

And there are more changes to come you will just to have to check back to see what’s new!

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The Faithful Crochet Sprial Scrubby!

So Like i said earlier I would be sharing where I found the original pattern. Click the link below to find her pattern. And thank you for sharing with the world!

Spiral Scrubbie

Now What I did to tweek this pattern because I was finding that with the size hook and my tention when I sewn them shut it would curl so I did my own patterns and I will write it below. Sorry No pics for this one.

FOr this pattern I used an H or 5.0mm hook

Ch – Chain

SC – Single Crochet

BLO – Back Loop only

2SCTOG – 2 single crochet together.

FO. – Fasten Off

Chain 21 (just like in the original pattern.) Leave a nice long tail to use for sewing it all together.

Row 1. 2 sc in the second Chain from the hook. (Now I work in the back of the chain in the spine part to get a cleaner finish. But that is totally up to you.) Then sc in each stitch to last 2  stitches. Last 2 stitches 2sctog. Ch 1 turn.

Row 2. Working in BLO from this row to the end, In the next 2 stitches 2sctog. Sc to the last stitch. In the last stitch 2 sc. Ch 1 Turn.

Row 3. Repeat row 1.

Row 4. Repeat row 2.

As you can see the odd rows start with an increase and the even rows start with a decrease. Just keep track of your rows until you get to row 24.

This is where I changed something with the pattern. In the original pattern it says to crochet 21 rows. And I did that and was not happy with the outcome. So for the second batch I kept going till I hit 24 rows. Now when you end you on an even row the tail will be on the opposite side of the starting tail. you have 2 choices. You can either weave the tail to the ride end of the project or just throw one more row in there. It is totally up to you. I did both and I could not see the difference. I will show you in the picture below.


Ok the one with more stripes I did only to row 24 and FO. With the one with only 4 strips I did 25 rows. So ok you still with me?

Now the sewing part. Grab your darning needle. and join the 2 ends up the starting and the last rows. I used the whip stitch to sew them together good and tight. Then I turned it inside out and on the same side you end up with the opening of the scrubby, I wove the yarn in and out around that opening and when I went full circle I pulled real tight and sewed it shut, knotted tight and hid my knot. Now that side is done. Just thread the other tail through your needle and repeat the weaving in and out for the other side pull tight to close everything up and make your knot. You just made your scrubby.

Note if you want the spiral color change like you see with mine. The scrubby with more stripes I changed every 3 rows. All I did was fasten off weave in the tail and worked it into the next row and color. So I got 8 different color changes in that one. For the scrubby with less stripes but thicker stripes. I did the color change ever  6 rows to get 4. Yep I did some mental math on this pattern lol. And like I said for the last row I just threw in that extra row so I would not have to weave 2 feet of tail to the right side of the project.

That is it any questions please feel free to ask. See any mistakes in the pattern give a shout I can fix it. I am writing this on the fly while it is quiet at my house. Enjoy your scrubby and as always Happy Crochet!!!

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Yeay New Laptop is UP AND RUNNING

Great news the new laptop is here and it is up and running so now I can get back to my blog. But I still need to wait for the craft supplies to get her Friday. Then I can start posting tutorials again. I have missed that. And I got a new phone with a better camera so I can now make videos. I cannot wait to get my craft area set up and get this party started!

this is not my art work.

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As you can tell from the title of this post my laptop crapped the bed on me. It is to be expected it was a refurbished old Dell that has a Win 7 makeover. But still an older model. I do have a desktop but I use that for the kids for school during the week. And NIght time posts for me are just not doable. So until I get my new laptop in a couple of weeks I am not really posting.

But rest easy! We are redoing the craft area, ok I am moving it to a more peaceful place in my home. Yes having the craft area in the common area is great but I do not get much crafting done too much going on. So in a couple of weeks we will have a new craft room, new laptop, a camera so I can finally make my video tutorials that I have been just itching to make.

So there are some more changes coming that means more crafting and more fun for all. And we will have 2 new members in my craft nook. We just adopted a puppy that we named Ohana (yes that means family, and in Lilo and Stitch it means never left behind.) And this pup was a big time runner. Anyone opened a door and out she went not to been seen for a few days. But my mother in law found her and we opened our heart and home. Even our other dog loves her.  And the other member that will be joining me in my craft nook is my daughter. Or as I lovingly call her my best little crafting minion. So now you will get 2 times the fun!

But until we are up and running it is mid terms for my daughter and finals for my son. Yes the school we go through, has mid terms and finals in elementary school. FUN FUN!

So with all this testing going on there has been very little crafting of any kind.

Hope all is Well with you in your neck of the woods. Here it is puppy training and school testing.

A fisheye image of a mad woman.

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Ok I finally have a plan and I am using it as I type.

Being that I am super stoked to start the New Year, I figured I would share a sneak peek of what is to come this year from the backwoods crafter.

I will give you a sum up of what I will be doing and the list of the schedule. Everyday has a theme. And this year I am a week ahead in my posts and that is a major plus for me. This is what the weekly schedule will look like.

Monday – Make is Monday

Tuesday – Time to take time for you Tuesday

Wednesday – Wing it Wednesday

Thursday – Think it up Thursday

Friday – Finally fun Friday

Saturday –  Square it Saturday

Sunday – Share it Sunday

This is what the main post of the day will be about. But I will also throw in some other goodies and patterns I am working on. I cannot wait till the New Year!

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New Year, New Plans?

My biggest New Year goal is to be more active. And when you are a homeschooling mom that is not as easy as one would think. Between grading papers and giving tests by 3pm we are all beat. But I want to share with the world all my crafty goodness and hope I can start more people to crochet and craft. So for the next few days I will try to be giving everything a makeover so I can work it more into my routine.

I want to show to the world that you do not have to have a ton of money to really be able to enjoy any craft. But mainly yarn crafts. So I will be off for the rest of the week and I will Start next Monday with an entire new plan to share with you all.

Happy New Year Everyone. May this year bring you good health, creativity and yarn in every color!

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