confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Ok I am pretty much giving up on the squares and here is why…

This year I made a promise to myself that I will finish every project I start. But the granny squares are just not in my cards this year. Maybe net year but this year nope not gunna happen here. And I love to use my Saturdays for starting new projects. That is about how long it takes me to finish a blnaket.  So this is now Blanket start Saturday. I will post the finished project of last week and then I will share what the new project is for the week for me.

So this week I am just about to finish the C2C and I will post pics tomorrow and today I am starting the pattern fromm called dusty snowflake. There is a video for right and left handed uploaded by the Crochet Crowd. And on the video MIkey will walk you threw the entire pattern. I will post a link below for the written pattern and the video.

I hope all is well with you and have a wonderfully crafty weekend!

Link for written Pattern

Click Here

Video Tutorial

Click Here




As you can tell from the title of this post my laptop crapped the bed on me. It is to be expected it was a refurbished old Dell that has a Win 7 makeover. But still an older model. I do have a desktop but I use that for the kids for school during the week. And NIght time posts for me are just not doable. So until I get my new laptop in a couple of weeks I am not really posting.

But rest easy! We are redoing the craft area, ok I am moving it to a more peaceful place in my home. Yes having the craft area in the common area is great but I do not get much crafting done too much going on. So in a couple of weeks we will have a new craft room, new laptop, a camera so I can finally make my video tutorials that I have been just itching to make.

So there are some more changes coming that means more crafting and more fun for all. And we will have 2 new members in my craft nook. We just adopted a puppy that we named Ohana (yes that means family, and in Lilo and Stitch it means never left behind.) And this pup was a big time runner. Anyone opened a door and out she went not to been seen for a few days. But my mother in law found her and we opened our heart and home. Even our other dog loves her.  And the other member that will be joining me in my craft nook is my daughter. Or as I lovingly call her my best little crafting minion. So now you will get 2 times the fun!

But until we are up and running it is mid terms for my daughter and finals for my son. Yes the school we go through, has mid terms and finals in elementary school. FUN FUN!

So with all this testing going on there has been very little crafting of any kind.

Hope all is Well with you in your neck of the woods. Here it is puppy training and school testing.

A fisheye image of a mad woman.

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Square it Saturday Jan. 10

Today I am sharing one of my favorite bloggers I have read in a long time. I have been following her for over a year now. And that is right she is a fellow hooker!

Her Name is Kate and she is the owner of Signed with an owl over at And today I am featuring her “little circle square.

Here is the Link

Now for my squares so I could make them fit with the squares from last week I added 2 more rounds of granny stitch so they are the same size. I really do not like trying to fit different size squares together. It makes me twitch.


So that is it! Hop on over to kate’s tutorial and then come Share it on my Facebook page.

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Square it Saturday

Square it Saturday.


Today is a simple day. We will be making a granny square. It may be a pattern I find online or it may be one I made myself.


This week lets go old school and make a simple normal granny square. Just simple there is no color rules. You can change colors as many times as you want and make it as large as you want. Now my goal for this project is at the end of the year make a big blanket. So what I think I will be doing is making 2 of each square a week and then putting them away so I will have 104 squares by the end of December 2015. And then in January of 2016 I will put them all together and Share the final project. And you can share your final project on my Facebook page. Soucy Creations. So like my page and you can share your work with me every Sunday!


Ok on to the pattern…


Like I said this is a simple granny square. I below you will see the written pattern for the square and my 2 squares for the week.


What you need:


Yarn of your choice I am using RHSS

in 4 colors gray, bright yellow, light green, and baby blue.

Size H/ 5mm hook




Ch – Chain

DC – Double Crochet

SLST – Slip Stitch

FO – Fasten Off

SP – Space

Ch 4, join with a slst in the last ch from the hook to form a ring.


Round 1. Ch3, 2 dc in the ring. *Ch 2 3 dc into the ring. Repeat from * 2 more times and join the ch2 into the top of the starting ch 3. Now I am FO so I can change colors. If you want you can do the same if you want to keep going slst into the next ch 2 sp.


Round 2. Ch 3 dc in the ch 2 sp. Ch 2, 3 dc in the same ch 2 sp. Ch 1, 3 dc, ch2 3dc into the next ch 2 space. repeat this 2 more times and join the ch 1 to the top of the starting ch 3. Now again I am FO so I can change color. Just slst into the next ch 2 sp.


Round 3. Ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc all in the ch 2 sp.* Ch1 3dc ch1 into the next ch1. 3dc ch2 3dc in the next ch 2 sp. Repeat from * 2 more times. Join with a slst into the top of the starting ch 3. You can again FO or slst into the next ch 2 sp.

Round 4. Ch 3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc in ch 2 sp. * Ch 1 3 dc ch1 in the ch1 sp 2 times. 3dc,ch2, 3dc ch1. Repeat from * 3 more times and join with a slst into the top of the starting ch 3. I will not be FO I will continue the current color for the rest of the square. So I will be slst to the next ch2 sp.


Round 5. Ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc in the ch2 sp. *Ch1, 3dc, ch1 3 times in the ch1 sps. 3dc, ch2, 3dc. Repeat from * 3 more times. Slst into the next ch2 sp.


So now I bet you are seeing the pattern of the square. The ch1 sps get 3dc ch1 and the corners are getting 3dc, ch2 3dc to make it grow. So continue to do this till you have the size you want and FO and weave in your ends then your square is done. I did my squares in 6 rounds. Giving  me a square that measures 6.5 inches or 16.5 cm.


Cant wait to see your squares!




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