confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Finally I am back at the hook but on a mission at the same time! And we got a new pet!

The Pet Expo for the ranch was a great turn out. And made the long hours and hard work well worth it. But now it is time to jump into the next project. And for me it is a craft booth at the next horse Show. I was honored to be asked to sell some of my crochet goodies at the horse show that the Ranch will be hosting. I was floored that I was even asked. So now I am busy trying to find patterns with western themes, and horse related crochet goodies. But I was also thinking lets thow some household goodies in there too. So I started making kitchen and bathroom scrubbies. then I ran out of cotton yarn. And a real hooker knows that if you want to use something for cleaning cotton is the way to go. But being that i ran out I grabbed the good old RHSS and said lets just give it a try. I will not sell something if I know it will not work. And to my shock and surprise acrylic yarn worked great and dried so much faster than cotton. I am talking got stains off my counters Ya know those coffee stains behind the coffee maker that ya forget every once in a while and you can never seem to get off short of using an A Bomb to get them off, or really harsh chemicals that I cannot use because they react to my Asthma. Well with this little red scrubby and some very hot water. The stains are no longer there. My fridge handles are whiter than when we moved in. I have been scrubbing them for months and they still were not as white as I would have wanted them. But 5 minutes with this scrubby and hot hot water they shine whiter than my teeth! So for the people who say you cannot use acrylic yarn for kitchen scrubbies have never done so and saw the results. I will write a pattern up and also post a link where I found the original pattern later today. Here are the cotton ones I made yesterday in pink purple and mixed purple.


Now for the acrylic yarn ones I made

(Note I did not get a shot of the red one before I used it. I was too excited to see if it worked)


And yesterday we welcomed to the family Walter. He is our pet Turkey. Or as I call him Big Bird. He is the biggest turkey I have ever seen.

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