confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood


Morning every! hope today finds you well. Well I need you help with my next video. I need to know what kind of craft videos you want to see. I can knit and crochet. I can do some beading, I can loom, I can papercraft. So Watch my video and tell me what you want to see in the comments


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Think it up Thursday.

Well we have come a full week of my new blog and I am still making posts. Now for me that is amazing because well having ADHD one tends to say ok this is boring NEXT!. But I have held out thus far. YEAY GO ME LOL!

So What to share with you today. HMMMM…

Being that I am very sick of winter already I want to have a spring pattern for today. So I will be sharing and making a flower coaster.


Ok what you will need today is…

Size F 3.75mm hook

2 colors of cotton yarn



Step 1

As always start with a slip knot on your hook and chain 4. Join with a slip stitch to the last chain from the hook.


Step 2.

Chain 3, 1 double crochet into the loop, chain 2. * 2 double crochet, chain 2. Repeat from * 4 more times giving you 6 2 double crochet and chain 2 spaces.


Step 3.

Slip stitch into the first available chain 2 space. Chain 5 then slip stitch into the next chain 2 space. Repeat this 5 more times for a total of 6 chain 5 spaces. Slip stitch into the starting slip stitch. Fasten off.


Step 4.

Make a slip knot with the new color and join at any of the 6 slip stitches. Single crochet into the chain 5 space 8 times. Do this for every chain 5 space. Then slip stitch into the first single crochet.


Step 5.

Chain 2. * double crochet in the next 6 stitches, half double crochet in the next 2 stitches. Repeat from * 5 more times and join to the top of the starting chain 2 with a slip stitch.


Step 6.

Skip next 2 stitches (this should take you to the 4th stitch of the double crochet.) 5 double crochet in each of the next 2 stitches. Skip 2 stitches and slip stitch in each of the next 2 stitches. * Skip next 2 stitches, double crochet 5 times in each of the next 2 stitches. Skip next 2 stitches, slip stitch in each of the next 2 stitches. Repeat from * till you are back where you started. Join with a slip stitch into the starting slip stitch. Fasten off and weave in your ends. You are now finished with my Think it up Thursday tutorial. I hope you enjoy making them. Come on over to my Facebook page and Share your finished coaster!

Soucy Creations


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Think it Thursday

Jan 1 2015


After a ton of time planning I think I have found a set up I like for my blog. I just hope it sticks and I can keep up with it all. But please remember I am only human, and I do have a family that comes first.


So any who this is what I came up with for this year


Monday – Make it Monday

Tuesday – Time to take time for you Tuesday

Wednesday – Wing it Wednesday

Thursday – Think it up Thursday

Friday – Finally fun Friday

Saturday – Square it up Saturday

Sunday – Share it Sunday.


I know I said I wanted to start the first full week of Jan. I said oh forget it lets start on the 1st. New year new day new fun things to try right?


So being that today is Thursday let me explain what I will share with you today….


This is the day when I will make up a pattern and I will make it and make a tutorial for you to make your own. It may be a paper project, crochet project, really this is a muse day and something new to try.


So this week I will be making a crochet project. I am thinking a cute little button up pouch. So lets dig in!


What you will need…

Size F 3.75mm hook

Some yarn any color. I am using RRSS Blue



Yarn needle


Step 1.


Make a slip knot and chain 3. Join with a Slip stitch to the last chain from the hook.



Step 2.


Chain 3, double crochet into the ring made from last step 11 times. This will now give you 12 double crochet stitches the chain 3 counts and 1 double crochet. Join with a slip stitch into the 3rd chain of the first chain 3.



Step 3.


Chain 3 and double crochet into the same stitch as the chain 3. 2 double crochet in next stitch. repeat 2 double crochet in each stitch all the way around. Join with a slip stitch into the top chain of the starting chain 3. Ending with 24 double crochet.



Step 4.


Chain 3, *2 double crochet into the next stitch, 1 double crochet into the next after. repeat from *. Join with a slip stitch into the top of the starting chain 3. Ending with 36 double crochet



Step 5. This is your last increasing round.


Chain 3 and double crochet into the same stitch as the chain 3. 1 double crochet into the next 2 stitches. 2 double crochet into the next stitch. Join with a slip stitch into the top of the starting chain 3. Ending with 48 double crochet.



Step 6.


Chain 2, half double crochet in back loop only in every stitch around. Join with a slip stitch to the top of the first chain 2. Ending with 48 half double crochet.



Step 7.


Ok this is going to go on for a few rounds. What I want you to do is chain 3 then double crochet in every stitch around giving you 48 double crochet in both loops. Then the next round go back to half double crochet in both loops. all the way around. Now do this pattern of half double crochet and double crochet until you have the pouch as long as you want it. I did mine for 10 rounds ending with a half double crochet round and I fasten off.



Step 8.


Fold in half like my picture and at one side of the fold place a stitch marker count 24 stitches and place another stitch marker. Make a slip knot and join at one of the stitch markers. Single crochet to the other stitch marker.  I am sorry I did not get pictures of steps 9 and 10. My hands were moving faster than my brain.



Step 9. Turn Chain 3 double crochet in the next stitch and the rest of the single crochet stitches.

You should End with 24 double crochet including the chain 3.


Step 10. Repeat step 9 for 3 rows.


Step 11.  Turn chain 1 and slip stitch into the first 12 stitches. Chain 10, slip stitch into the remaining stitches fasten off and weave in ends. All that is left is sew on the button and you are done. Enjoy your new pouch!
