confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

Loom Scarf to match Yesterday’s Pattern

Well here we are on pattern and video number two. It is the matching scarf to go with the hat we made yesterday. below will be the pattern just written out. If you would like a downlodable pattern please CLICK HERE

Created by Samantha Soucy

This pattern can be used to make items that are intended to be sold. All I did was create the pattern you made the item use it as you see fit. I just ask that you please do not try to sell my pattern or claim it as your own. I took the time to design it, write down the pattern and make a video for the item.


Smallest baby hat Loom in Boye light weight yarn loom set.

5oz or more of worsted weight yarn

loom hook

stitch counter


darning needle

Stitches Used

U knit

E wrap

E Knit


Cast on:

For this you will ewrap all the way around the loom. We will be working in the round not a flat piece. Next you will U knit all the way around and your cast on round is complete.

Round 1. E knit every peg all the way around.

Round 2. Purl every peg all the way around.

Rounds 3-6. E knit the odd rounds 3 and 5 and purl the even 4 and 6.

Rounds 7-200 (this is where you may want a stitch counter to count your rounds.)

These rounds you will just E knit. Stop when you get to round 201.

Rounds 201,203,205 will all be E knit

Rounds 202,204,206 will all be purl.

Cast off.

This will be done with what I learned as the stretchy cast off. To start wrap your working yarn around the loom 3 times. Then cut the yarn. Now you will take the working yarn and work a purl stitch on the second peg. Now go back to peg one and instead of pulling the yarn up like you would to purl I want you do bring it down through the loop on the peg. Now skip a peg and go to peg 3 and repeat what you did with peg 2 and 1 only working this time on pegs 3 and 2. And repeat till you have worked this cast off all the way around. Note this is not my cast off I learned it from Hypnotic Hysteria on youtube.

Once you have it off your loom I want you to sew the ends shut. All I did was weave in and out of the middle stitches. If you need a reference go to my Youtube channel and watch the loom scarf tutorial.

I hope you Enjoyed this pattern.

Happy Looming!!

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Making Patterns again

So I am back at designing some yarn goodies. Today was a hat. The pattern is for sale on my Etsy shop if you want to check it out click here.

There is also a youtube tutorial for the pattern as well.

Created by Samantha Soucy

This pattern can be used to make items that are intended to be sold. All I did was create the pattern you made the hat use it as you see fit. I just ask that you please do not try to sell my pattern or claim it as your own. I took the time to design it, write down the pattern and make a video for the hat.


Boye light weight large loom

loom hook

3oz of worsted weight yarn

stitch marker

darning needle


measuring tape

Cast on:

Before you ewrap place stitch marker on first peg to remind you where you started.

Ewrap every peg on this loom.

Next Uwrap knit all the way around. This will be your cast on round.

Rounds 1 to 20:

Round 1 and every odd round to 20 you will eknit all the way around the hat.

Round 2 and every even round to 20 you will purl all the way around the hat.


If you need a guide on how to do the eknit and the purl stitch please see the video that goes with this hat. I walk you through both stitches.

For the remaining round of the hat from round 21 on. (I no longer kept track of my rounds instead I just measured how long it got from the beginning of the hat to where is was on the on the loom. I did include the brim.) You will eknit the remaining rounds of this hat, until you reach between 8 inches to 9.5 inches depending on how long you need this hat to be. I have a smaller head so I did mine to 8 inches.

Cast off: (Video will show you how to do this cast off.)

Cut yourself a good talk 18 inches or more. Just start on the first peg, and take your darning needle from the bottom of the stitch to the top and pull the stitch off. Do this the entire way around the hat. Once off the loom pull the yarn tight to close the hat. Now thread the yarn to the inside of the hat and go through a few stitches to secure the knot. Make a knot cut your yarn and enjoy your new loom hat and warm head!

The next video should be tomorrow and it will be a matching scarf to go with this hat. See you in the next video!

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Here is a look into my world

So I am a firm believer in being transparent as possible. When it comes to me I have no secrets. One thing that is going on with me is I am 31 with horrible teeth. Well I had horrible teeth. Now I have none. And I am documenting my journey of it all Here is the first of many videos on my Denture Adventure.

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And this year I am playing with a new toy!

So a couple of years ago my husband got a 3d printer and he got me hooked. I loved what it could do. Take plastic sting like material and turn it into just about anything. So THis year I will be getting one. And I am going to document my journey there too. That should be fun. Because I am doing this totally on my own. ALl self taught. So we may get some good laughs along the way.

But while I am waiting for my printer to get here, I am making tutorials on how to use tinkercad. That is the website I use to design things for 3d printing. Here is my intro video.

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Morning every! hope today finds you well. Well I need you help with my next video. I need to know what kind of craft videos you want to see. I can knit and crochet. I can do some beading, I can loom, I can papercraft. So Watch my video and tell me what you want to see in the comments


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So I did this thing…

Like I said in my last post I have been wanting to get my youtube channel up and running. Well guess what? It’s running. There will be a little bit of everything in this channel. Everything from 3d printing to crochet to knit, to loom knitting, to card making, my new life with dentures at the age of 31. That has been one hell of a road already. Me and the kids and the fur kid and maybe even the husband out on adventures. So this is going to be my welcome to my channel Video. I will always post my videos here. So you can have a way to not have to search youtube. But come here. So here is what my channel is all about.


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It has been many moons since I have been on here. I have been super busy. Things are starting to change again in my neck of the sandbox. I have lots of changes coming to me and my family.

Me lets see I finally am getting my teeth taken care of. Sick of the pain I was in because of bad teeth. in 14 more days I will get my new set. I am super excited about that.

I finally said it’s time to get in front of the camera and I am finally making videos like I have promised for years.

And there are more changes to come you will just to have to check back to see what’s new!

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Crafting has been taking a back seat.

So about a week or so ago we got a 3d printer and my husband and I have been creating and designing things to print. So far we have printed a dragon for my desk a keychain for fun. Yarn bobbins, stitch markers, and quadcopter bodies. He loves to fly. We have a ton of other ideas and what not. But for now we will be selling the bobbins and stitch markers. Please feel free to contact me VIA facebook at Soucy Creations, email, or leave a comment if you are interested in anything.WP_20150215_11_51_48_Pro

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Still waiting on a few last minute shippments…

So most of the stuff I have been waiting for has come in. Just about all my paper crafting has come. Now just waiting on the yarn. And i will be back up and running. So while I have been stuck waiting for things to come in, I have been finishing my granny ripple. And today it is now done. So I just wanted to share the finished product before Sunday because well I cannot wait that long. The first crochet project of the year is finished. YEAYYYY.


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I am still alive and kickin

We made it through midterms. My son is just about to hit his finals, and we are doing extra testing for him because will it is only Feb. and he got through the entire course load. So we are seeing if he needs to go onto the 3rd grade early. 

My daughter is just pluggin away with her 5th grade work and I am one proud mom there too.

Crafting life not so much. I have been shopping now for I think 3 weeks and still have no idea how I am going to handle stocking up for the year. 

Hope all is well with you and your’s. Stay crafty!

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