confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

The Faithful Crochet Sprial Scrubby!

So Like i said earlier I would be sharing where I found the original pattern. Click the link below to find her pattern. And thank you for sharing with the world!

Spiral Scrubbie

Now What I did to tweek this pattern because I was finding that with the size hook and my tention when I sewn them shut it would curl so I did my own patterns and I will write it below. Sorry No pics for this one.

FOr this pattern I used an H or 5.0mm hook

Ch – Chain

SC – Single Crochet

BLO – Back Loop only

2SCTOG – 2 single crochet together.

FO. – Fasten Off

Chain 21 (just like in the original pattern.) Leave a nice long tail to use for sewing it all together.

Row 1. 2 sc in the second Chain from the hook. (Now I work in the back of the chain in the spine part to get a cleaner finish. But that is totally up to you.) Then sc in each stitch to last 2  stitches. Last 2 stitches 2sctog. Ch 1 turn.

Row 2. Working in BLO from this row to the end, In the next 2 stitches 2sctog. Sc to the last stitch. In the last stitch 2 sc. Ch 1 Turn.

Row 3. Repeat row 1.

Row 4. Repeat row 2.

As you can see the odd rows start with an increase and the even rows start with a decrease. Just keep track of your rows until you get to row 24.

This is where I changed something with the pattern. In the original pattern it says to crochet 21 rows. And I did that and was not happy with the outcome. So for the second batch I kept going till I hit 24 rows. Now when you end you on an even row the tail will be on the opposite side of the starting tail. you have 2 choices. You can either weave the tail to the ride end of the project or just throw one more row in there. It is totally up to you. I did both and I could not see the difference. I will show you in the picture below.


Ok the one with more stripes I did only to row 24 and FO. With the one with only 4 strips I did 25 rows. So ok you still with me?

Now the sewing part. Grab your darning needle. and join the 2 ends up the starting and the last rows. I used the whip stitch to sew them together good and tight. Then I turned it inside out and on the same side you end up with the opening of the scrubby, I wove the yarn in and out around that opening and when I went full circle I pulled real tight and sewed it shut, knotted tight and hid my knot. Now that side is done. Just thread the other tail through your needle and repeat the weaving in and out for the other side pull tight to close everything up and make your knot. You just made your scrubby.

Note if you want the spiral color change like you see with mine. The scrubby with more stripes I changed every 3 rows. All I did was fasten off weave in the tail and worked it into the next row and color. So I got 8 different color changes in that one. For the scrubby with less stripes but thicker stripes. I did the color change ever  6 rows to get 4. Yep I did some mental math on this pattern lol. And like I said for the last row I just threw in that extra row so I would not have to weave 2 feet of tail to the right side of the project.

That is it any questions please feel free to ask. See any mistakes in the pattern give a shout I can fix it. I am writing this on the fly while it is quiet at my house. Enjoy your scrubby and as always Happy Crochet!!!

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Ok I am pretty much giving up on the squares and here is why…

This year I made a promise to myself that I will finish every project I start. But the granny squares are just not in my cards this year. Maybe net year but this year nope not gunna happen here. And I love to use my Saturdays for starting new projects. That is about how long it takes me to finish a blnaket.  So this is now Blanket start Saturday. I will post the finished project of last week and then I will share what the new project is for the week for me.

So this week I am just about to finish the C2C and I will post pics tomorrow and today I am starting the pattern fromm called dusty snowflake. There is a video for right and left handed uploaded by the Crochet Crowd. And on the video MIkey will walk you threw the entire pattern. I will post a link below for the written pattern and the video.

I hope all is well with you and have a wonderfully crafty weekend!

Link for written Pattern

Click Here

Video Tutorial

Click Here



I had some extra time today so I…

It is just nasty out today. Roads are a hot mess, the fog that will not lift is freezing to everything. So I had planned to do house work and what not. Got that done early the kids are off playing having a good snow day. I figured what the hay I will make a short easy tutorial today. Still have some leftover creativity flowing and I came up with a cute fast dishcloth.

Ok so you will need for this project is…

Cotton Yarn. I used peaches and Creme

Size H 5.0mm hook



Step 1.

Make a slip knot on the hook, and chain 35.


Step 2.

Row 1 – (for the starting row you will work in the back spine of the chain for a cleaner look.)

In the 5th chain from the hook work 1 double crochet in the back loop of the chain (or spine). *Skip 2 chains, Double crochet, chain 1 double crochet into the spine of the next chain. Repeat to the end.


Step 3.

Row 2 – Turn. Slip stitch into the first chain 1 space. Chain 4 and work a double crochet into the same chain 1 space. *1 double crochet, chain 1, 1 double crochet in the next chain one space. Repeat from * to the end


Step 4.

Row 3 and on – Repeat row 2 until you have the dishcloth as long as you want it. I did mine for 12 rows. And if you want to change colors, fasten off at the end of the row, turn attach new color with a slip stitch and chain 4 like you would start a row with the old color. It is that simple have fun and enjoy it. Come on over to my Facebook page and Share with me your dishcloth!


Soucy Creations

Please do not sell my patterns. This is my work that I took time to create and share with you. You may sell your finished product from this or any other patterns. But PLEASE DO NOT SELL MY PATTERNS!

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