confesstions of a backwoods mom n crafter

Crafts of all kinds, crochet cooking, baking, homeschool, motherhood

The Libman freedom extra wide crochet mop pad…

Finally back to writting patterns And I needed a new mop pad asap for my spray mop. I was not about to run out and buy a $10 pad when I had a cone of cotton yarn here. So here is the pattern super easy to make and a hell of a lot cheaper than the pads they sell for the mop. Not to mention they work so much better.

PS… The pics I post of the finished pattern are after I used it. I was so happy to have my crochet pads back that I forgot to take a picture and just started mopping. And also keep in mind I mopped the floor this morning with the pad that comes with the mop.

Ok enough of my chatter on with the pattern!!!

IMG_20150826_173831 IMG_20150826_173854

What you will need.

Cotton yarn (I used peaches cream I got from wally world)

4mm hook

snippers to cut

Chain 53

Row 1. Single crochet in the second chain from the hook and ever chain to the end. (I go in the back hump of the chain for a neater look.) Turn

Row 2. Chain 2 and Double crochet into the first stitch the chain 2 does not count as a stitch. I did not want the chains for stitches it just raises up the row for doule crochet. Double crochet in every stitch to the end. Chain 1 and turn.

repeat rows one and 2 still you have 14 rows. I ended on a double crochet row. Fasten off and weave in the ends.

Now what I did was slap the pad on the mop and attached the yarn on the 7th stitch on one of the sides. I crochet 16 tight chains and slip stitched the chain to the other side in the 7th stitch. Repeat for the other side. and you now have a mop pad that you can reuse until there is nothing left of it. And wash it as many times as you see fit.

happy hookin!!!

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The Faithful Crochet Sprial Scrubby!

So Like i said earlier I would be sharing where I found the original pattern. Click the link below to find her pattern. And thank you for sharing with the world!

Spiral Scrubbie

Now What I did to tweek this pattern because I was finding that with the size hook and my tention when I sewn them shut it would curl so I did my own patterns and I will write it below. Sorry No pics for this one.

FOr this pattern I used an H or 5.0mm hook

Ch – Chain

SC – Single Crochet

BLO – Back Loop only

2SCTOG – 2 single crochet together.

FO. – Fasten Off

Chain 21 (just like in the original pattern.) Leave a nice long tail to use for sewing it all together.

Row 1. 2 sc in the second Chain from the hook. (Now I work in the back of the chain in the spine part to get a cleaner finish. But that is totally up to you.) Then sc in each stitch to last 2  stitches. Last 2 stitches 2sctog. Ch 1 turn.

Row 2. Working in BLO from this row to the end, In the next 2 stitches 2sctog. Sc to the last stitch. In the last stitch 2 sc. Ch 1 Turn.

Row 3. Repeat row 1.

Row 4. Repeat row 2.

As you can see the odd rows start with an increase and the even rows start with a decrease. Just keep track of your rows until you get to row 24.

This is where I changed something with the pattern. In the original pattern it says to crochet 21 rows. And I did that and was not happy with the outcome. So for the second batch I kept going till I hit 24 rows. Now when you end you on an even row the tail will be on the opposite side of the starting tail. you have 2 choices. You can either weave the tail to the ride end of the project or just throw one more row in there. It is totally up to you. I did both and I could not see the difference. I will show you in the picture below.


Ok the one with more stripes I did only to row 24 and FO. With the one with only 4 strips I did 25 rows. So ok you still with me?

Now the sewing part. Grab your darning needle. and join the 2 ends up the starting and the last rows. I used the whip stitch to sew them together good and tight. Then I turned it inside out and on the same side you end up with the opening of the scrubby, I wove the yarn in and out around that opening and when I went full circle I pulled real tight and sewed it shut, knotted tight and hid my knot. Now that side is done. Just thread the other tail through your needle and repeat the weaving in and out for the other side pull tight to close everything up and make your knot. You just made your scrubby.

Note if you want the spiral color change like you see with mine. The scrubby with more stripes I changed every 3 rows. All I did was fasten off weave in the tail and worked it into the next row and color. So I got 8 different color changes in that one. For the scrubby with less stripes but thicker stripes. I did the color change ever  6 rows to get 4. Yep I did some mental math on this pattern lol. And like I said for the last row I just threw in that extra row so I would not have to weave 2 feet of tail to the right side of the project.

That is it any questions please feel free to ask. See any mistakes in the pattern give a shout I can fix it. I am writing this on the fly while it is quiet at my house. Enjoy your scrubby and as always Happy Crochet!!!

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Finally I am back at the hook but on a mission at the same time! And we got a new pet!

The Pet Expo for the ranch was a great turn out. And made the long hours and hard work well worth it. But now it is time to jump into the next project. And for me it is a craft booth at the next horse Show. I was honored to be asked to sell some of my crochet goodies at the horse show that the Ranch will be hosting. I was floored that I was even asked. So now I am busy trying to find patterns with western themes, and horse related crochet goodies. But I was also thinking lets thow some household goodies in there too. So I started making kitchen and bathroom scrubbies. then I ran out of cotton yarn. And a real hooker knows that if you want to use something for cleaning cotton is the way to go. But being that i ran out I grabbed the good old RHSS and said lets just give it a try. I will not sell something if I know it will not work. And to my shock and surprise acrylic yarn worked great and dried so much faster than cotton. I am talking got stains off my counters Ya know those coffee stains behind the coffee maker that ya forget every once in a while and you can never seem to get off short of using an A Bomb to get them off, or really harsh chemicals that I cannot use because they react to my Asthma. Well with this little red scrubby and some very hot water. The stains are no longer there. My fridge handles are whiter than when we moved in. I have been scrubbing them for months and they still were not as white as I would have wanted them. But 5 minutes with this scrubby and hot hot water they shine whiter than my teeth! So for the people who say you cannot use acrylic yarn for kitchen scrubbies have never done so and saw the results. I will write a pattern up and also post a link where I found the original pattern later today. Here are the cotton ones I made yesterday in pink purple and mixed purple.


Now for the acrylic yarn ones I made

(Note I did not get a shot of the red one before I used it. I was too excited to see if it worked)


And yesterday we welcomed to the family Walter. He is our pet Turkey. Or as I call him Big Bird. He is the biggest turkey I have ever seen.

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Chaos of Life has taken over my crafting time.

Hey everyone. I am still kickin in the high desert. Enjoying the sun while it is around. But my craft table has a good layer of dust on it. Being that my entire family including me wants to be a self sustaining family. IE food, power, work, So we have been working to get that started. Between getting our turkeys and chickens to grooming the horses to riding lessons. To just being together. And now it is planting time. CAN YOU SAY YUMMMM!!!! Nothing like growing veggies. I love doing this. And this year I will be learning about canning. I cannot wait till harvest time! But we still have school to attend to. Minds to enrich with as much knowledge I can shove in their sponge like brains. So while they are schooling I have a bit a free time not much. So I will try my hardest to stay vigilant to making posts and patterns. I do miss making goodies and I still have plans to make videos just need to find the time in the day. I am starting to think 24 hours is just not enough time to get things done. I hope this finds you and yours well. Time for me to take a minute to create something fun! HMMMM maybe even a new pattern I create. keep your eyes peeled for something fun to share!

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So yesterday was insane so I am doing Sunday over lol. So SHARE SHARE SHARE

Ok so yesterday was crazy here. people had to be here and there. Projects needed to be finished. Ya kow life in general so I did not get to post yesterday. Well I finally finished my Corner to Corner blanket last night. And I was a very happy duck. It was nice and warm. So what are you working on?


The pattern I used for this can be found over at The Crochet Crowd’s youtube page just search corner to corner afghan and you will find Mikey’s video. Thankys agaon to the crochet crowd for the tutorial. This was a fast easy project.

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Ok I am pretty much giving up on the squares and here is why…

This year I made a promise to myself that I will finish every project I start. But the granny squares are just not in my cards this year. Maybe net year but this year nope not gunna happen here. And I love to use my Saturdays for starting new projects. That is about how long it takes me to finish a blnaket.  So this is now Blanket start Saturday. I will post the finished project of last week and then I will share what the new project is for the week for me.

So this week I am just about to finish the C2C and I will post pics tomorrow and today I am starting the pattern fromm called dusty snowflake. There is a video for right and left handed uploaded by the Crochet Crowd. And on the video MIkey will walk you threw the entire pattern. I will post a link below for the written pattern and the video.

I hope all is well with you and have a wonderfully crafty weekend!

Link for written Pattern

Click Here

Video Tutorial

Click Here



Sunday is here and it is Share it sunday!

So this week has been a super craft week in my house. I finished my drop in the pond blanket and sent it to its forever home. I have gotten 3 Christmas cards made and 2 birthday cards. While it has been snowing here I have been curled up with my C2C blanket and making headway with that. So what have you been up to on this cold snowy weekend?WP_20150222_11_54_17_Pro WP_20150220_17_33_44_Pro WP_20150219_18_53_37_Pro WP_20150220_14_08_39_Pro WP_20150222_11_54_27_Pro WP_20150218_21_02_35_Pro WP_20150222_11_47_20_Pro

So come on over to my facebook page like my page and share what you have been working on. The link will be below

Click Here

And as always happy crafting and creating!


This can tie into Take time for you Tuesday.

So I think it is safe to say that I love to crochet. And one of my favorite youtube channels is The Crochet Crowd with Mikey. And last month the announced a mystery CAL (Crochet Along) So I went out I got all the yarn I will need for the project got a new set of comfort grip hooks. And I went to town on last week’s clue. I found it a funny clue.Granny squares. I just laughed because I have been working on a granny ripple and before that I did a giant solid granny. And now I am working on the drop in the pond and that too is Granny stitch. It is granny world here lol.

But to tie it to Take time for you, I get the kids all set up the night before for school so they can just go without me. I put on a movie and just go to town on the clue. (I should also add that they post the clues on Tuesday mornings.) I sit with my coffee my hook my clues and just go have a good time. That is my time. Yes the kids may pop up for help but that is fine. I homeschool so it happens. But I make sure that I take that time where I can do something fun and for me.

So just remember take some time for you. You matter too!

Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a great week and Happy Crochet

Oh and the links for the CAL with the Crochet Crowd.

Video Link

Click Here

And the written pattern

Click Here



Taking the day off and just hanging around.

So today is Presidents day here and we are just chillin hanging out with each other. And I am working on my drop in the pond afghan. It is cold and snowy so today is the perfect day for crochet and movies. And that is just what I am doing. If you like the pattern and would like to have a go at it I will share the link to find the pattern. It is another pattern from Beth Ham. I love her patterns.

Click the link below to download Drop in the Pond pattern

Click Here


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Yeay New Laptop is UP AND RUNNING

Great news the new laptop is here and it is up and running so now I can get back to my blog. But I still need to wait for the craft supplies to get her Friday. Then I can start posting tutorials again. I have missed that. And I got a new phone with a better camera so I can now make videos. I cannot wait to get my craft area set up and get this party started!

this is not my art work.

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